Thursday, 6 February 2014

My Idea of a Pamper Evening

So it's coming up to Valentine's Day, it's cold and I don't want to leave the house, what better time to have a pamper evening? Actually, that's a load of rubbish, I just fancied a mini pamper evening so I had one!

(Can I just say that whilst I've been doing my internet surfing on my internet surf board and while I type this there is the most annoying box of something downloading that won't go away! It's driving me crazy because I can't see about an eighth of my screen because of it.)

So, in my unique, non-beauty-guru way I had myself a pamper evening.

So if I had been wearing make-up I wouldn't have taken it off with these beautiful make-up wipes posted in this photo (in case you don't know what they are): Simple Kind to Skin Cleansing Facial Wipes. They're good, they're not like those dry wipes which feel like they're scratching your skin away when you just try and remove your make-up.

Then I lit a couple of candles (here's a generic candle photo). This candle actually smells really nice. It's pomegranate and I should probably mention that it's actually my boyfriends, if I don't mention that and he reads this then he won't be a happy bunny.


I then exfoliated my legs with this invigorating body scrub (St Ives Apricot Body Scrub). To be honest, I just used it because I have it but I do really like it. It's one of those exfoliating scrubs that actually feels like it's doing what it says it's meant to do, if you know what I mean? It feels exfoliating. I think it seems to have actual sand in it because when I wash it off in the shower there is sand puddling around me. I like it anyway.

Then I shaved my legs and, to be brutally honest, I don't know why there aren't more photos like this from 'beauty guru' types:
Yes, I cut myself shaving. And DOESN'T EVERYONE? Where is everyone else's photos? I have no shame! Here is my badly shaved knee with a little plaster on because shaving cuts seem to produce so much blood, even when they're tiny. I have a tip for when shaving your legs though, something I like to do (which other people might as well) is put conditioner on my leg which I then shave off when shaving the hair. It moisturises your legs to make them incredibly soft and helps the razor to glide much more smoothly over the skin. Beauty tip of the day from someone with very little beauty knowledge.

So then I had to moisturise my beautifully soft, not so gorilla-like legs. I used Jergens Naturals Extra Softening Body Moisturiser but to be honest, I was just trying to use this up. I would usually go for the trusty E45 because I find it very nice and moisturising. This one is good but I feel like I'm trying to rub it into my legs for about half an hour and I'm too impatient for that. Sorry, Jergens.

Anyway, onto my face...

I have no idea of the proper order for this kind of thing but this was the order I wanted to opt for so, I exfoliated with some Neutrogena Visibly Clear Spot Stress Control. Which was nice.

I then put Simple Kind to Skin Deep Cleansing Face Mask on. That was nice too. I like simple products, as you will notice, there isn't much more I can say about them really. Other than the fact I was relaxed (always a good thing).

So I washed the face mask off and moisturised with these beauties. Okay, so I really like the Simple Kind to Skin Soothing Eye Balm because it's really nice around the sensitive parts of my face, which are my eyes. But I REALLY The Body Shop Vitamin E Moisture Cream. I will tell you why. I went on holiday last year and I fell asleep on the plane (no I haven't gone off on a tangent, bare with me), when I wake up from naps like that I always feel really dirty, do you know what I mean? I just suddenly feel really tired and I want to have a shower. Obviously this wasn't possible because I was on the plane. So I wanted something to freshen me up and all I had to hand was this moisturiser. Usually putting products of whatever kind on my face would just make me feel worse but this felt amazing! It was so refreshing and felt almost like it had cleaned me. Oh well, that was when I fell in love and now I use it every day. Definitely recommend that.

So finally, my must-use-at-least-two-times-a-day products. I can't express to you how much these mean to me. I cannot, cannot, cannot clean my teeth without putting Vaseline then E45 Hand Cream on after. This one time I ran out of E45 Hand Cream and I genuinely made my boyfriend drive to every shop/pharmacy near by to find some. It took a while but we got there in the end. This stuff is very important to me. I'd say I'm a bit OCD about using these after cleaning my teeth because I can't really think of any other reason that it's so important...

Anyway, that's my way of having a pamper evening.

I hope you enjoyed it.

Bye for now!

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